Category Archives for "Events"
"My doctor told me to take my iron every day and to live on greens, so I go to the golf course."
Thanks to Carolyn Sellar for providing this picture.
Have you ever been invited to something FREE that sounded so good that you had to wonder what the "catch" is?
I received an invitation to play in a Ladies Day event at Sunserra last Thursday where they were offering Free golf, prizes, appetizers & cocktails!
Hmmm, sounds too good to be true, right? Well, let me tell you this is one of those times when it was true! No catch. We all had a great time and it didn't cost any of us one single penny... unless you count gas money to get there.
Thanks to Carolyn Sellar for providing this picture.
The event, "Ladies Day at Sunserra" was Presented by Adventures in Whisky, owned by Carolyn Sellar. You know, I always thought of whisky as a man's drink but let me tell you they put together some amazing cocktail concoctions that were fit for the most persnickety and sophisticated of women drinkers.
Thanks to Carolyn Sellar for providing this picture.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that this golf course is less than 30 miles from my house and I have never played it in the 50 years that I have lived in Wenatchee. Now that I have seen the error in my ways, I will definitely be going back with a group of friends. I encourage you to do the same. The views, overlooking the Columbia River, are amazing and the course is super fun.
Be sure to check out Carolyn Sellar's website And, if you ever want an event hosted to bring awareness to your business, call Carolyn. She knows how to put on an event! Her contact info is on her website.
Thanks again to everyone who made this possible, including the Sunserra golf course, and the ladies group from Sunserra who helped organize.
Ladies Day Fun On The Green
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5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
Also, join our SWAG Facebook Group
"Wander often. Wonder always."
In the blog post from May 2nd of last year Introducing the SWAG Travel Network, I told you the story of how my Grandma inspired my lifelong Bucket List dream to travel around the United States.
On June 8th I wrote a post entitled SWAG Membership Drive: Fall 2020, explaining how I planned to take an epic solo road trip to meet other women golfers all across the nation.
I'm sure it's no surprise that trip was postponed due to COVID.
Well, I'm not getting any younger and still determined to make it happen.
If there's anything we've learned in the last last year and a half, it is that life is uncertain. We need to do things when we can.
Do you see all those blue "pins" on the map above? That is my unofficial route so far. I want to stay somewhat flexible to adjust as I go.
I'll be leaving in late late August, returning in early November. I'm calculating the trip will cover about 10,000 miles.
Like I said, it's going to be epic.
And, I haven't been sitting idle regarding connections either. I've been busy making connections with women golfers across the nation online.
I've had lots of invitations to play with the locals as I travel through their area. I'm excited about that.
As if that's not exciting enough, I'm still working on the fundraiser portion of the trip for the First Tee Central Washington. I've been sending out letters and have already received several hundred dollars in contributions in support of this epic adventure... supporting kids and fulfilling bucket list dreams.
As you may know, First Tee is a National Organization specifically dedicated to developing our youth through the game of golf.
Did you see 17-year-old Megha Ganne play in the Women's U.S. Open this last weekend? Wasn't she amazing? She is involved with The First Tee of Metropolitan New York, and made history as the first junior to qualify for the Drive, Chip & Putt Finals four times in the event’s six-year existence. She credits The First Tee with a lot of her success. And, I suspect it is also a major factor in the confidence and poise she exudes.
The First Tee is such an amazing organization and incorporating a fundraiser for them with my trip makes the trip that much more worthwhile.
What could be more important than developing the youth of today into better students, better citizens, and better leaders for the future through the game we all love... golf?
The 9 Core Life Enhancing Values taught through the First Tee program are identified in the image at the top of this post. And...
According to the national First Tee website:
* 85% of Alumni credit the program with helping them become a better student.
* 91% of Alumni participated in community service.
* And, of course, they learn to golf
So, while doing this trip I can accomplish several things:
* Raise money for the First Tee youth program
* Expand the SWAG Travel Network by connecting with
other women golfers across the U.S.
* Play golf in several states
* See and experience a diversity of people and places
* Share it all with you as I drive, golf, and blog my way around the U.S.
* Hopefully, meet you if you're in the path on my epic road trip
More details about my road trip will be coming in future posts here.
While this road trip is a bucket list item for me and we'll be raising money for First Tee, the long term goal is still about YOU, a woman who loves to golf. It's about creating the SWAG Travel Network so you (and your golf peeps) can do more golfing and make meaningful connections while YOU, a senior woman golfer, travel about this great land.
What's on your bucket list? I hope I can inspire you that it's never too late.
If you haven't already done so,
I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will
be notified of all new posts as they are published.
You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
Also, be sure to sign up for our Facebook Group:
Senior Women Avid Golfers
"Good things are worth waiting for.
Great things are worth waiting even longer."
-Carol Williams
Happy Fall everyone.
It's been quite a while since I wrote to you all. It's not because I've given up on this blog or the SWAG Travel Network. Quite the contrary. There has been a LOT going on behind the scenes. It's all about connecting people to have even more fun golfing... especially while traveling to new places.
On June 8th I wrote about the Membership Drive (via epic road trip) I was going to take this Fall season. I should be on that trip right now. As you can imagine, COVID-19 put the kibosh on that. However, that doesn't mean I won't be making the trip. This has been a dream of mine since I was 14 years old and nothing is going to stop me now. It's going to happen next year instead.
This whole project isn't about me, though. If it was about me, I wouldn't need to spend a significant amount of time and money developing a smartphone app. And, I wouldn't be adding the First Tee as a charity component to the project.
I've been retired for the last several years and have decided to do something that will add to the fun experience of golf for everyone... especially YOU!
On June 5th I wrote that the SWAG Travel Network Membership Smartphone App being in development... and indeed it still is.
As you all know, most things take longer than you originally expect. In this case it's taking longer because, as the developer and I worked together, the app morphed into something much bigger and far more robust than my original vision.
Please continue to stay tuned. I think you'll agree it will be worth waiting for. It's going to be fun and interactive.
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published.
You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
The Mission Of First Tee:
To impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf.
In the blog post from May 2nd Introducing the SWAG Travel Network, I told you the story of how my Grandma inspired my lifelong Bucket List dream to travel around the United States. Well, it's going to happen this Fall. I'm 68 years old now and it's time to do it!
If there's anything we've learned in the last few months it is that life is uncertain. We need to do things while we can.
When I said in the headline of this post that we're having a membership drive, I mean that in a very literal sense. I'm heading out solo on an epic road trip. I will DRIVE across and around the United States to connect with women golfers to continue growing our SWAG Membership network. I'll be leaving in early - mid September and signing ladies up as I go.
I know I could do this the easy way - online (and I'll be doing that too, of course). But I want to get out and actually meet people. I want to meet you!
As if that's not exciting enough, I've figured out a way to turn this driving excursion into a fundraising event for the First Tee Central Washington. As you may know, First Tee is a National Organization specifically dedicated to developing our youth through the game of golf.
The First Tee is such an amazing organization and incorporating a fundraiser for them with my trip makes total sense. What could be more important than developing the youth of today into better students, better citizens, and better leaders for the future through the game we all love... golf?
The 9 Core Life Enhancing Values taught through the First Tee program are identified in the image at the top of this post. And...
According to the national First Tee website:
* 85% of Alumni credit the program with helping them become a better student.
* 91% of Alumni participated in community service.
* And, of course, they learn to golf
So, while doing this trip I can accomplish several things:
* Raise money for the First Tee youth program
* Expand the SWAG Travel Network by connecting with
other women golfers across the U.S.
* Play golf in several states
* See and experience a diversity of people and places
* Share it all with you as I blog and golf my way around the U.S.
* Hopefully, meet you if you're in the path on my epic road trip
Details about my road trip will be coming in another blog post soon. Any suggestions on stops between Wenatchee, Washington and Burlington, Vermont? That will be the 2800+ mile first leg of this epic trip. On the return trip home, I will be dipping further south as the weather starts to get cooler up north.
While this road trip is a bucket list item for me and we'll be raising money for First Tee, the long term goal is about YOU. It's about creating the SWAG Travel Network so you (and your golf peeps) can do more golfing and make meaningful connections while YOU travel about this great land.
So start thinking about your future Bucket List for golf and travel! I'll do whatever I can to help you make it happen.
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published.
You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
"Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening - and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented."
-Arnold Palmer
The first tournament of the season in North Central Washington is the Three Lakes 18-Hole Ladies League Golden Apple Tournament.
"If you think it's hard meeting new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball."
Pictured above:
2019 Apple Valley Women's Golf Association Overall Winner's
*** Wenatchee Golf & Country Club Ladies ***
* * * * *
Other winners for the 2019 season were:
Apple Tree Ladies: Gross Points Winner
Lake Chelan Ladies: Net Points Winner
The 2020 AVWGA Schedule has been released:
April 30th - Lakeview
May 28th - Lake Chelan
June 11th - Yakima Elks
July 7th - Three Lakes
August 17th - Apple Tree
September 11th - Ellensburg
October 6th - Wenatchee Golf & Country Club
* Leavenworth Golf Club has the Bye this season
All events have a 9:00 shotgun start, except the last event at
WG&CC which will be a 9:30 shotgun start.
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published.
You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
"I know I'm getting better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators."
- Gerald Ford
Are you looking forward to the 2020 golf season as much as I am? One of the fun parts of the golf season is participating in events around Central Washington throughout the year.
Are you curious about the dates for your favorite golf events in 2020?
I'm in the process of putting together a list of events in 2020. I want to make it as comprehensive as possible and I need your help.
Are you a League President or event Chairperson for any events at your club this golf season?
If so, I would really appreciate it if you could send me the following info:
Event dates
Practice round dates
Contact person for event info
I am especially looking for dates for ladies events at the following courses:
Lake Chelan Golf Course
Leavenworth Golf Course
Wenatchee Golf & Country Club
Three Lakes Golf Course
Lakeview Golf Course
Ellensburg Golf Course
Yakima Elks Golf Course
Apple Tree Golf Course
Here is what I know so far, so get them on your calendar:
Three Lakes Golden Apple: May 7th
Wenatchee Golf & Country Club Spring Fling: May 19th
Leavenworth Alpine: June 17th
Watch this blog for updates
If you know of women's events at other courses in Washington State or elsewhere, I'm interested in that information too.
Are there any charity events you know about?
I will be posting the 2020 Apple Valley Women's Golf Association schedule as soon as I receive it in early February.
Please send any info or questions to me at:
This group is focused on living with autoimmune disorders in the most productive and successful manner available.
That end will be achieved by:
* Supporting and caring about each other
* Hearing each other's messages
* Listening to other voices with valuable information to share
* Committing to be positive, understanding and encouraging
The next meeting is:
When: Saturday, September 14, 2019
Where: Central Washington Hospital (Confluence)
Lower Floor Rooms F/G
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Autoimmunity & Family:
Judi Rising and her daughter Tracey Barnes will preview the first in a series of presentations they plan to offer to interested groups about living with autoimmunity.
The program will be a discussion between Judi & Tracey involving their mutual journey with autoimmune issues: one as the patients and one as the family member.
Every person diagnosed with autoimmunity has those in their life circle who by association are also impacted. Some find positive ways to support; others struggle. In all cases, life is changed.
Judi and Tracey have now spent 20 years affected by autoimmunity. They have been preparing a series of presentations during which they will share and discuss the effect of autoimmune issues on theirs and other families. This month they will preview the first of these programs with the Wenatchee Autoimmune Network. They will appreciate you responding and attending.
Please consider attending the September meeting, knowing your presence as an audience will be very much appreciated.
Hopefully you will take away some ideas and information that will be beneficial to you and those you care about.
Your presence and comments will certainly be helpful to us. This is a program that could be helpful to family members and others you may know, so please bring them along if you like.
Please come join us: share, contribute and learn
We meet in the lower floor of the hospital. Park by the upper main entrance and take the elevator down or park in the lower lot by physical therapy and enter on that level. RSVP as possible. See you soon.
Please RSVP as soon as possible:
Judi Rising
See you soon!
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published. You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
Some of you may be suffering with an autoimmune disease and many of us know people who are. One of the readers who is an avid golfer, Judi Rising, has requested that I pass along the following information about the local Autoimmune Network and the next upcoming meeting.
This group is focused on living with autoimmune disorders in the most productive and successful manner possible. That end will be achieved by:
* Supporting and caring about each other
* Hearing each other's messages
* Listening to other voices with valuable information to share
* Committing to be positive, understanding and encouraging
The next meeting is:
When: Saturday, August 10, 2019
Where: Central Washington Hospital (Confluence)
Lower Floor Rooms F/G
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
This Month's meeting topic will be:
Develop a Toxin-Free Home Environment
Abbie Warde came to Wenatchee from London, England 4 years ago. She has a fascinating background as a Police Detective. Her new cultural adventure began with her dentist husband and now includes two small children.
She was determined to have her home be as toxin-free and safe as possible. With the help of H20 products she is achieving that goal and helping others to do the same. She will share ideas we can all put to use.
Please come join us: share, contribute and learn
We meet in the lower floor of the hospital. Park by the upper main entrance and take the elevator down or park in the lower lot by physical therapy and enter on that level. RSVP as possible. See you soon.
Please RSVP as soon as possible:
Judi Rising
See you soon!
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published. You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons
Some of you may be suffering with an autoimmune disease and many of us know people who are. One of the readers who is an avid golfer, Judi Rising, has requested that I pass along the following information about the local Autoimmune Network and the next upcoming meeting.
This group is focused on living with autoimmune disorders in the most productive and successful manner possible. That end will be achieved by:
* Supporting and caring about each other
* Hearing each other's messages
* Listening to other voices with valuable information to share
* Committing to be positive, understanding and encouraging
The next meeting is:
When: Saturday, July 13, 2019
Where: Central Washington Hospital (Confluence)
Lower Floor Rooms F/G
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
This Month's meeting topic will be:
Essential Oils as a Natural Treatment
Brianna Peterson and Beverly Sandhop, both residents in the Wenatchee Valley, will share their combined 37 years of experience using naturally-based essential oils to treat health symptoms.
This program is a continuation in our search for alternative approaches that either supplement or work to reduce the use of / need for chemically based medications.
We meet in the lower floor of the hospital. Park by the upper main entrance and take the elevator down or park in the lower lot by physical therapy and enter on that level. RSVP as possible. See you soon.
Please contact:
Judi Rising
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to subscribe to this Blog so you will be notified of all new posts as they are published. You can do so by ordering the
FREE Report:
5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score... Without Lessons